Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Shopping and cooking..

.. for me happen as an atomic unit :D Not because I am a fresh-food freak or anything.. Its just cause I invariably forget to refrigerate the sabjis in the hot-hot-hot city of Hyd..
So if one fine day cooking is on the plate, I need to go shopping for the sabjis, since the previous lot is in the dustbin..
The markets in Hyderabad are quite interesting.. Considering the vastness of my Telugu ignorance, I have to recognize the sabjis without knowing their names.. Well, before you start laughing your heads off at the previous statement, let me tell you - its not so easy to make out the leafy vegetables from each other!! I have yet not found methi, for instance.. I probably need to buy it from Pune - and take it over to the market in hyd in search of 'meri wali methi' :)
And also - find a place where they sell ready-to-make chapatis.. Or maybe even save some from lunch in office ;)

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